Intimate destination wedding at Villa Cordevigo

The wedding of Wencke and Ulrich was a very intimate one, but full of emotion: only a dozen guests, the closest relatives, who were housed for some days in the beautiful Villa Cordevigo, in Verona, where was also held the civil ceremony. We met them in a late May morning, during a family breakfast; immediately after, the couple began to “get ready”: while the groom was dressing quickly in a hotel room, the bride, in another suite, was having her make-up and hairstyle, under the careful supervision of her young maid Luna. After about two hours, Wencke made her entrance in the lush grounds of the villa and headed to her father’s arm, to reach the gazebo where the groom was waiting along with the guests. As he saw the bride, Ulrich was literally overwhelmed by emotions and his eyes suddenly filled with tears … as well as those of many guests and Wencke. The excitement was palpable throughout the civil ceremony. After the touching ceremony, bride and groom were entertained for a drink in the shade of the trees, followed by an informal snack on the terrace. At sunset we shot the couple portrait session, all taken in the villa’s garden. After all, why going far away, when you have such a variety of views and settings? The day ended with an intimate dinner at ”Oseleta“, the starred restaurant of the relay, served on a table full of wonderful flowers.


Location: Villa Cordevigo Wine Relais

Wedding Dress: Pronovias 

Shoes: Valentino

Flowers. Mirabella Claudia “Floral Creativity

Reception: Restaurant “Oseleta


The wedding dress are just best.